
Vinka Wydro (France)

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Începe Sep 28


The new era of Teoria Perfekta begins on 28/09/24 and gives us the sexy @vinka_wydro 🇫🇷🔥to make her debut in Romania 🇷🇴.She is one of the greatest exponents of the moment of Hardtechno, Industrial and Hardcore in France.

🎟️Tickets: 2 X 80 Lei and 1 X 50 Lei (1 PRE-SALE)🌶️

Vinka Wydro is accompanied by a great Național line up with NTHR (SSS), K-M3L (Teoria Perfekta), Koukla and P R G M T K. It will be a party. Do not miss it 🔥👽⛓️

✅BIO Vinka Wydro✅

Since 2 years vinka wydro a french dj producer based in Paris has quickly developed her dark shattering universe. She began her first evenings with her crew Resurrection in Nouveau Casino
as founder and resident.

Her music oscillates between hard techno, industrial and hardcore. Thanks to her atypical style and her energy, Vinka always manages surprise her crowd. Nickamed Black Widow she will not leave you insensitive. Today she is a recognize artist of the parisian hard techno scene and also she is resident of no gender party. You can find her name in Kit Kat club in Berlin, Rex Club and T7 in Paris, Fabrik in Madrid or Mutabor in Moscow. She recently tourned in India and USA. Vinka shares the stage with the most greats such as Amelie Lens, Anetha, Charlie sparks, Dyen or Basswell to name a few.

Her latest productions signed in particular by Sonaxx records, Dsr digital, Blackworks, Eclipse.
Supported by artists such as Sara Landry, Cristobal Pesce, Lee Ann Roberts, Stan Christ, 999999999, Paula Temple, Jacidorex, Luca Agnelli, Cassie Raptor or Petduo allowed her to climb into the top 100 beatport of the best hard techno tracks.


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Cluj-Napoca - Matter, str Universitatii nr 3
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28 Evaluări
Gál Botond
28 oct.

Teodora Muresan
26 oct.

Király Hardy
26 oct.

Erdo Ana-Matilda
25 oct.

Simionica Alin
21 oct.

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